This page summarises my experience with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), hardware I have built, and fields trials I have performed and organised.
Nessie VII AUV
Nessie VII AUV in the Heriot-Watt University Ocean Systems Laboratory tank during control algorithm experiments.
I used this hover-capable AUV extensively during experiments for my PhD thesis.
Acoustic Modems
Extensively used the WHOI acoustic modem and Evologics S2C 18/34 acoustic modems.
One of a pair of acoustic modem Buoys I designed and built. They consisted of an Evologics 18/34 acoustic modem, power distribution, a raspberry pi computer, and a Wireless Access Point so that the Buoy can be connected to remotely.
These can be deployed at Sea, anchored in position and used as a triangulation transponder or as a means to transfer data between air and underwater mediums
I used this survey vehicle extensively to perform underwater surveys of the sea floor in the following locations:
- Sicily, Italy
- Tallin, Estonia
- Loch Earn, Scotland
This vehicle was used to perform Side Scan Sonar surveys and test acoustic communication in hardware-in-the-loop multi-AUV world model synchronisation tasks.
Checking the buoyancy of the IVER3 AUV during trials in Sicily, Italy.
Evologics Sonobot
The Sonobot is an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV). I have used it to perform autonomous surveys of the sea bed in shallow water and as an acoustic modem platform with long-range WiFi capabilities that can be connected to over large ranges in the air, providing connection to underwater assets.